• Health

    Embracing the First Month Postpartum: Essential Needs and Gentle Care

    As the joyous whirlwind of welcoming your little one into the world settles, I am extending the biggest congratulations to you on this beautiful journey of motherhood. The first month postpartum is a time of immense change, both physically and emotionally, and, as a mom of seven, understand the importance of providing support and guidance during this transitional period. This is all about the essential needs for the first month postpartum, ensuring you have the tools and resources to navigate this precious time with confidence and ease. 1. Nourishing Nutrition: During the initial weeks postpartum, prioritizing nourishing foods is crucial for supporting your body’s recovery and energy levels. Stock up on…

  • Health,  Pregnancy

    Why Encapsulating My Placenta Was A Non Negotiable

    When I had my first baby, I had no idea what was in store for me. I also didn’t know about the fourth trimester. This one is all about mommy. Alongside dealing with body issues like postpartum bleeding, cramping, sore and engorged boobs, it’s also a time to worry about maintaining sanity and resting so the body can heal. The next few months are crucial as a new or once again mom because they set the tone for YOU. When I first had Nolan, I had no idea about natural ways to fight post partum depression and remember nights/early mornings up with a crying baby wondering how was I ever…

  • Fitness

    Why Women Should Rest Postpartum to Heal Properly

    “Do you want to wear an adult diaper for the rest of your life?” I’ll never forget my midwife asking me this after I had my fourth baby. It was a wake up call for me because I had never truly taken the time to rest after having my first 3 babies. I did struggle physically, emotionally and spiritually and I don’t want that for anyone else. So why should we rest postpartum and not get back into the swing of our normal routine? 1. Rest is key for physical healing. If you take the time to rest after giving birth it helps your wound stop bleeding around 2-4 weeks…

  • Health,  Pregnancy

    A Crunchy Mama’s Postpartum Must Haves

    Since the last time we’ve connected, I had my sixth baby.  Her birth was fast and furious starting a little after 6 AM on Monday morning and ending at 6:24 AM with her in my arms. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have another Homebirth and for my children to meet her moments after she was born.  This week has been all about rest for me and as you’ve probably been able to tell I have not been working as much. I’m doing my best to share all things postpartum in the moment so be sure to follow me on social media to see more.  One of the first things that I…

  • Fitness,  Health

    Self Care Simplicity

    Heyyyyy ya’ll! I wanted to take the time to give you an update before I get to the meat and potatoes of this blog post. Since I gave birth to Vivi, I’ve been taking it easy and haven’t worked as much as normal. I’ve also had a lot of time to think about what content I’ve been producing and realized that I was focused on getting quantity content out verses quality. After simmering on this for a little while I’ve decided to stop trying to share so much on my blog so that it’s seen more and focus on quality posts that are shared 1-2 times a week. It’s hard…